Sometimes an issue will arise when you attempt to publish a social media post, and you may want to better understand the problem so that you can get the post published successfully. You can see a list of failed posts in the dashboard, with additional details about why the post(s) failed, so that you can troubleshoot as needed.
Finding Failed Social Posts
You can find a list of the social media posts that have failed for your account by navigating to the Failed Posts page in the dashboard. To get there, first, go to the Post History page, under the Social Media section of the dashboard:
From the Post History page, click on the option at the top of the page for Failed Posts:
The failed posts page will show you all of the recent social media posts for your account that failed to post successfully.
Why Did the Post Fail?
To properly troubleshoot the failed posts, it can be helpful to see more information about why they failed to publish.
You can find more information about why a post failed by clicking on the exclamation mark icon at the top of the failed post on the Failed Posts page:
This will open a list of all of the locations and social networks that the post failed for, along with a reason why it failed for that network and location:
The Failure Reason may shed some more light on why the post failed, although this can also be confusing at times if it is still not obvious. Some of the most common reasons like an invalid token or a page being inaccessible can be resolved by disconnecting and reconnecting to the affected social network in the dashboard with a user account that has access to post to the network.
Other failure reasons may be related to an issue with an image included in the post, in which case you can try to use a different image or investigate whether the image meets the guidelines for publishing to that network (see the bottom of our support article about Creating a Social Media Post for more information about media guidelines per network).