1. Login to the Consumer Fusion dashboard with your email and password and you’ll be directed to the home screen.

  2. Click the settings gear icon in the top right corner

  3. Once you’re in the settings, select “Notification Settings” from the left navigation menu.

  4. Here you’ll be able to enable or disable the following email alerts:

    1. New Removed Review Alert

    2. New Feedback Entry

    3. Review Request Reminder

    4. New Review Alert

  1. Clicking the checkbox next to email will enable the email notification and the checkbox next to SMS will enable the SMS notification.

  2. By default, the notification is enabled for all locations but you’re able to modify that by selecting “select locations”. 

    1. To modify alerts for select locations, click the radio button next to “select locations” and a blue location drop down will appear. 

    2. Select the checkbox next to the location name in the dropdown to select that location

  1. The last setting related to New Review Alerts lets you customize what kind of reviews you get alerts about.

  2. Click “customize review alerts” and you’ll be able to set the parameters for your review alerts. 

  3. For example, if you want to only get alerted of only negative Google and Yelp reviews, select Google from the directory dropdown, select “lower than”, and select 4 stars from the star rating dropdown. Then click “+add” to add another rule and select Yelp from the directory dropdown, select “lower than”, and select 4 stars from the star rating dropdown. Click save to apply your changes.