You’re able to post content directly to your Google Business Profile using the Consumer Fusion dashboard. This allows you to communicate directly with local customers who are looking up your business online and share announcements, offers, news, or upcoming events. This is a helpful support article from Google about the different types of posts

  1. Login to the Consumer Fusion dashboard with your email and password.

  2. Hover over Reputation in the main navigation and select GMB Posts from the menu

  3. If you have already posted to your Google Business Profile, you will see past posts display on this tab. However, if you have not posted before, this page will be blank. *note if you see an error message that your Google Business Profile is not connected, please contact so that someone from our team can assist you.

  4. There are 3 types of posts you can create using Consumer Fusion: 

    1. Offer

    2. What’s New 

    3. Event