1. Login to the Consumer Fusion dashboard with your email and password and you’ll be directed to the home screen.

  2. To manually respond to your Google or Facebook reviews, hover over Reputation in the top navigation and click “Real Time Reviews”.

  3. You’ll be redirected to a page where you can see all the real time reviews for your business.

  4. Next to a Google or Facebook review, you’ll see a green button that says “reply” if the review doesn’t have a response and “view reply” if there is already a response registered for the review.

  5. If the review is missing a reply, click the green reply button and a pop up will appear with the review and a text box to leave a response. You can also select from one of our predefined response templates by clicking the dropdown above the text box. 

  6. Once you added your text to the text box, click “save” and the response will be added to the review. 

  7. Close the pop up and repeat this process for any reviews you’d like to manually respond to.